Monday, December 19, 2011

23 weeks ... over halfway there

Baby Jonathan is now 23 weeks along, and man is he an active little dude! He is now about 10 1/2 to almost 12 inches and is roughly the size of a papaya.

The little one is pretty fully formed right now, but has a big job of gaining weight ahead of him.

We got to kind of see him move around on our sonogram a couple of weeks ago, but he seems to have inherited the stubborn trait from mom and dad and had his face buried in my back. I'm super jealous of all the pregnant ladies who have cute pictures of their kiddos, because the best we got was a foot and confirmation he's a boy!

The belly is starting to make an appearance more each day, hopefully transitioning me from just looking like I ate too much to an actually pregnant-looking short redhead. I really think they need aging make-up when you're pregnant so people would stop looking at me like I'm a teenager.

Rick finally got to feel the baby kick last night! Everytime I've called him in to feel it before, Jonathan immediately stops kicking as soon as his dad touches my stomach. Of course, I'm used to all the kicks at this point, but it's cool to be able to share it with Rick :)

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration with Rick's family last week, but it was super hard to see them go. We showed them the sights of Alice and had Christmas Thursday night. I think everyone enjoyed their presents!

Here's the 22-week bump picture, so I'll work on getting a new one up soon!

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